During my third week at Artcore, I began to work on a much larger scale, fusing together the plastic bags to create one large piece of material. I aim to produce a large-scale work which will be suspended so that it interacts with the space, air and light levels. I worked into the material by layering more material in areas to create variations in the translucency as some areas become more opaque, which then alters how light interacts with the material. I also began to use my heat gun to create intricate textures on the work which are revealed on closer inspection, therefore the piece can interact with the viewer in multiple ways; there will be the initial viewing of the whole piece where the scale will be felt and then the more intimate viewing which requires the viewer to move closer to the material.

As I have been using the heat gun I have allowed the material to shrink, curl, rip and crumple as a result of the process. In these areas the light now interacts differently than before and there are new textures to explore. By permitting the material to move as it is heated I am allowing it to make its own statement about its material presence.

We also had another group critique in which we discussed the curation of the space and our works in relation to each other. Due to the nature of my work I want it interact with as many things as possible to vary the effects upon the material, therefore we discussed sharing our space so that there weren’t definite borders between our works. Therefore colour and light from other artists work will hopefully have an effect on mine which will be interesting to see.

For the final week at Artcore I will be printing some detail images of my work to put in the exhibition, these will show a variation of effects upon the material which may not be seen in the large piece as they are subject to light levels and reflections. They will also show intricate details and texture I have created in the material which lets the viewer see how much the material changes during the process. Finally, I will begin to suspend my work in the space, making decisions about how it will interact and move within the gallery to produce an experience for the viewers.

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