Salt and Water. Water and Salt.
Salt and Water. Water and Salt.
One is born from the other.
Each can be separated from the other.
Once called White Gold, a currency, the rise of wealth, the cause of war and exploitation.
Sacred, holy it wards of evil.
Its spillage is sinful and can bring bad luck.
A sign of hospitality, loyalty and treachery.

The more I research salt the more connections it seems to have with the human condition, culture and identity.
I wanted to use the residency as an opportunity to really consider the medium I work with. To explore its properties, to play with it, to learn about it, to understand its benefits and limitations. Playing with materials is such a vital part of my artistic process; it allows me to experiment and expand my thoughts, seeing the materials move, change and react allow me to visually transfer text-based research and ideas through symbolism. I will not adopt a masterly tone and bore you, rather allow me to take you on a visual journey

Both salt and water are essential and detrimental to our existence. The first part of this process was seeing what would happen to a chunk of Himalayan salt under a running tap within a few minutes the water created a hole within the salt. What was dry on the surface was now glistening and part translucent.
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