I am based in Nottingham so I commute to Derby for the residency. It is so nice to have a new space to work in, I already feel engaged with it. The main idea of my new project is drawn from the city of Derby and its architecture, so it was vital for me to explore the city. On day three, I documented a walk I took as you can see in the picture below.

I use culture and history as a guide to get to know each city I visit. This might link to sightseeing but I am not really a tourist as I don’t get a picture of myself with every monument and I don’t visit sculptures for the sake of it. Due to my professional development in arts, I find that museums and galleries have more importance than visiting inhabited neighborhoods, buildings and flats which tend to be quiet, filled with privacy.

If I hadn’t visited the St Almund’s Church at Darley, my knowledge of the city would have been limited to the centre.

I am interested in geometrical shapes, contrasts between old and new and the space between one building and another. This helps me to start thinking about how to develop my work. I recompose these images and create new narratives.


Looking at my surroundings has always been part of my inspiration. I have a multidisciplinary way of working through collage, using different techniques, such as printmaking, textiles and video. Each material has a new story to tell, that’s why every new material has its own challenge because it has a different language and may bring a new result. Through this residency I am planning to work with different materials, explore space and develop new skills.



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