Artcore is a visual arts organisation and registered charity (no. 1148022). We are committed to protecting your privacy. All information we retain is collected and held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, which came into effect on Friday 25th May 2018.
Commitment to Data Security
To prevent unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your data we have implemented manual and electronic processes make sure the information we collect online and offline is kept secure.
Ways we Collect Data
We will only collect data from you when you request to join our email list at our venue or outreach event; when you book a place on a workshop or event; or when you complete a registration form when attending one of our events. All data we collect is held securely in accordance with GDPR regulations.
Email newsletter and workshop booking
Your name and email address are the only compulsory pieces of information that you need to supply to join our emailing list, additional information is optional. We only collect mobile telephone numbers in order to remind participants of events they have booked on to, anyone can opt out of these messages by responding to the number they are sent from. We also collect postcodes as some of our projects are funded on the basis of participants coming from certain postcode areas. Personal details are never passed on to third parties and the percentage of participants from a certain postcode area is the only information funding bodies receive.
By joining our emailing list we will send you emails to keep you up to date with news, exhibitions, workshops, events, and collaborations with partner organisations.
Opting Out
There are clear instructions on how to unsubscribe or update your preferences in every newsletter we send. You can also contact us on 01332 384561 or email to be removed from the mailing list.